Cape Town Fish Market – 06 December

Check out Anna‘s second blog and how she got on at “Dinner & Drinks at Cape Town Fish Market!


Despite lacking any evident sentiment for home pets (unless they are super cuddly or adventurously lively such as myself) my former flat mate decided one day on getting an extra attraction to fill an empty space in our expansive living room…

The next day, it arrived.

A gigantic water tank full of some of the most colourful fish I had ever seen. That was it. I ended up glued to the glass most evenings making up some of the weirdest names for my new non-cuddly friends (Whiskey, Jenny, Fatty?), whilst staring at those cute little creatures, swimming blissfully in their domestic idea of an ocean…
As my newly acquired hobby found a permanent spot in my life, the gap needed filling when I moved out from my old apartment. I had no choice but to abandon my new hobby that had kept me entertained for so many weeks. Fear not as I recently brought it back into my life!

Three words: Cape Town Fish Market.

Call me sentimental, but the dinner at this recently refurbished modern establishment, just off Oxford Street, was a true place to savour. Coupled with the brilliant company of some fresh faces from the TableCrowd community (six boys to two girls this time = good ratio for the prettier side of the table!) made it for a truly special evening. We tried a fabulous selection of the seafood’s finest, consumed with the accompaniment of some light and crispy Chardonnay (and a few colourful cocktails) as well as engaging conversations fuelled with laughs and jokes. I could not hide from my secret fish admiration, of course. You will get hooked as well – I promise.

What we ate:

<Grilled Scallops rubbed with garlic and topped with crispy breadcrumb>

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<Vlad ordered the Seafood Bisque; spicy soup with croutons, spiced mayonnaise and Gruyère>

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< …little bit of everything; Kalk Bay Platter for 2>

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And drinks we enjoyed:

<Cape Town Blush>


There is no way to escape the beauty of the tropical fish tank and the fish counter with all sorts on display. Seafood lovers; new to London – you have just found your dining paradise!

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And my new little friend!

anna fish

I realised that one main thing that brought us all together that evening was our boundless passion for good-quality food and a desire to meet new people in London, willing to embark on some adventure-ridden explorations. That is what makes the TableCrowd experience the one to remember and engage in. Some of the people I met have already become very good friends and hearing about many exciting hobbies they had been sharing outside the TableCrowd had truly cemented my belief that nobody needs to feel lonely in London, ever. And who knows if the person you meet may not become the one who will be sharing your hobbies with you, even as wackiest as fish admiration!

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PS: Taking about the pets and to replace my lost-loved aquarium…. I am currently considering adopting a chicken!

Purely for the eggs.

For more upcoming new to London dinners. Be sure to join the crowd here.

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