Introducing our new Ambassador – for People & HR Tech sector!

We met Lucy a while ago, when she joined us for dinner with Helen Croydon. Since then, we got to know each other and have dinner together a fair few times. So we are thrilled to announce she’s now joined our team as TableCrowd’s PeopleHR Tech Ambassador! We asked her a few questions so YOU can get to know her too…


1 Can you explain what you do in a sentence? 

Not easily! I’m Vice Chair of the UK Association for Business Psychology and I run Bravestarts – the UK’s only job shadowing service for people thinking of career changes.

2 What were you doing before your current role?

I’ve always been a professional psychologist working in investment banking and consulting.

3 What’s your biggest hindsight moment to date? 

Don’t build something without customer demand to drive it!

4 What will 2020 bring?

More focus on portfolio careers, more focus on ageing and more focus on personal responsibility.

5 Can you give us a piece of advice for someone starting in your sector?

You have to make and craft the job that you’ll like. Nobody is going to hand it to you.

6 Do you have a favourite business in your sector?

Escape the City – those guys are great and I like how supportive they are too.

7 You’ve been dining with us for a little while now. Tell us about your experiences!

I love them, mainly because the audience are serious and engaged in what they’re doing (I think a lot of this is helped by the fact you need to buy dinner and give up an evening). It’s the informal nature that I love as well – it isn’t all work and people desperately trying to ‘sell’. It generates more an atmosphere of people who want to learn/meet interesting people.

8 Why are you passionate about building TableCrowd’s HR tech community?

With my psychology head on, I’m fascinated by and motivated to do more to push and progress the field in a way which benefits and enriches the work experience. Work is a fundamentally positive thing, but for too long, complicated, unnecessary and frankly stupid things have been done in the name of HR – it’s time for some big changes to happen and I want to be part of that.

9 Finally, what’s your favourite restaurant?

That totally depends on what I’m in the mood for!



Meet Lucy for dinner:

Dine with HR Tech Partnershipfunding for PeopleTech and HR Tech & the future of work



And have a look at the rest of the menu



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